Spain/Chicago Artist Exchange 2023

The Spain/Chicago Artist Exchange is a collaboration between Experimental Sound Studio (ESS) in Chicago, the Embassy of Spain, and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) to connect sound artists working in each respective location. Two exchange artists participate in a series of self-directed virtual studio visits over the course of a two month period, with the option of support for a collaborative project beyond the residency. At the end of the residency, artists will be expected to share individual or joint projects, or works-in-progress through the partners’ websites (or another platform if desired).

The 2023 in-person portion of the residency takes place in Chicago. The Spanish artist will travel to Chicago for 10-days for in-person connection and collaboration.

The goal of the residency is to create space and support for artists to research, experiment, share knowledge and ideas, and extend the development of sound art across cultures.

The Chicago-based artist will have access to the resources below for the duration of their residency, including 20 hours of engineered studio time.

A strong preference will be given to Chicago artists with at least a conversational level of Spanish language fluency.

APPLICATION - DUE July 10, 2023

To apply for the 2023 Residency please send a proposal to with the Subject Line: “Spain/Chicago Residency.” Proposals should include:

  • Full name

  • Contact information including address, email, and phone number

  • A description of why you are interested in this residency and plans for how you intend to utilize the resources offered. Resources are listed below (250 word max). 

  • CV

  • Short Artist Statement (150 words maximum)

  • Documentation from two recent projects (within the past 1-2 years) with a short explanation (500 word max). One of these may be a work-in progress if the documentation is clear and sufficient.