ESS is excited to support musicians and composers Katherine Young and Linda Jankowska, musical long-distance collaborators and creators of the multimedia project boundarymind.

Katie and Linda are inviting anyone to create a sound recording of a household object with personal significance. Any object! Childhood toys, tattered T-shirts or sentimental souvenirs. Anything! Without damaging the object, scrape, tap, bow, boing, ping, and otherwise resonate it. Play around. Explore the quiet details it offers. Then, with your permission, we will remix these recordings for broadcast on Lumpen Radio and future boundarymind productions.

Submit your recordings to

Stereo wave formats are preferred, but we are happy with any formats you might record in. Please either submit your files via email or provide a link to a downloadable file stored in the cloud.


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Katie and Linda are showing boundarymind work-in-progress at Roman Susan, March 3-6, 2021, 6-10 PM. You will see Kera MacKenzie's video projected on Molly Scranton’s sculpture through the windows of the gallery, as well as on the wall of Loyola Red Line station. The music will be audible through speakers inside the gallery, but if you’d rather listen later at home, a QR code to audio will also be provided.

More info about the event here:



Olivia Junell