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Eric Wubbels performs Peter Ablinger’s 'Voices and Piano'


Thursday, January 23, 8:00pm
Eric Wubbels (piano) performs Peter Ablinger’s Voices and Piano (incl. world premiere)
Location: Experimental Sound Studio
5925 N Ravenswood Ave, Chicago
Admission: $10 for general admission, $8 for students and members.

Eric Wubbels is a composer and pianist, and a Co-Director of the Wet Ink Ensemble. As a performer, he has given U.S. and world premieres of works by major figures such as Peter Ablinger, Richard Barrett, Beat Furrer, George Lewis, and Mathias Spahlinger, as well as vital young artists such as Rick Burkhardt, Francesco Filidei, Erin Gee, Bryn Harrison, Clara Iannotta, Darius Jones, Cat Lamb, Ingrid Laubrock, Charmaine Lee, Alex Mincek, Sam Pluta, Katharina Rosenberger, and Kate Soper.

VOICES AND PIANO, piano and electronics
new piece, piano: Eric Wubbels