Doors: 6PM
Performance: 7PM
Paul Hertz presents new visual, audio, and intermedia works created with his new free, libre open source software library for Processing, PixelAudio. PixelAudio maps arrays of audio samples onto arrays of pixel values and allows you to play with both interchangeably. You can turn audio into images and images into audio, process both audio and images with FFT-based filters, and draw onto images to trigger audio events. The opening will include prints created with PixelAudio, musical performances, and a presentation on PixelAudio features. At a later date, Paul will present a hands-on workshop for people interested in using PixelAudio for live performance, animation, and audio generation.
Aria and Refrains for percussion and software
Christopher Walczak, composer and audio engineer
Chris Butler, percussion
Paul Hertz, interactive software
Paul Hertz, composer
Chris Butler, percussion
Paul Hertz, interactive software
Home, Home on the Screen
Paul Hertz, composer
Chris Butler, percussion
Paul Hertz, interactive software