Photo by Peter Gannushkin
August 24, 2020 at 8pm CT
Option Presents: Briggan Krauss
“Option and the Experimental Sound Studio are pleased to welcome saxophonist and guitaristBriggan Krauss for an online performance from his home in Brooklyn, NY. Highly accomplishedboth as a soloist and collaborator, Briggan will combine his twenty-five years of experience in awide variety of contexts with his highly original and explorative sonic explorations to theQuarantine Concert series in what is sure to be an engaging and outstanding set of music anddiscussion.” – Tim Daisy/ Option Curator
Briggan Krauss has been an internationally recognized saxophonist and improviser/composerbased in New York for more than twenty-five years. He connects the extreme edges of techniquewith the unexplored tonal possibilities of the instrument while also being dedicated to exploringthe practice of improvisation as a foundation for composition and artistic creation. Briggan hasreleased several critically acclaimed recordings as a leader and has appeared on over fifty othersas a sideman, including Grammy Award winning and nominated contemporary jazz records. Amajor part of his work in recent years has been focusing on solo saxophone. Briggan hasperformed solo concerts in Europe and the United States and has released several solo saxophonerecordings. His most recent release is “Art of the Saxophone: The Lethe Lounge Sessions” onIluso Records. Besides his work as a saxophonist—he is also a guitarist and works in the areas ofsound art, electronic music and interdisciplinary performance. He is currently a professor in thePerformance and Interactive Media Arts [PIMA] MFA program at Brooklyn College.